
Architectural Radicals

The exhibition ‘Architectural Radicals’ is curated by MA Curating Contemporary Design, Kingston School of Art (in partnership with the Design Museum, London) in collaboration with the Architectural Association Archive.

Role: Co-curator

019-09-14 ~ 09-19
The Design Museum (London, UK)

Exhibition Curators: MA Curating Contemporary Design
> Concept Group: Verena Anne Boehm, Virgilio Paricio de Castro, Nuttha Isaraphithakkul, Minkyung Mikayla Seo, Shiying Tan, Leidi Guo
> Design Group: Ruiwen Cheng, Yu-Hsuan Chu, Mingyue Hua, Tan-Ying Huang,Chen-Yi Liu, Lei Liu, Yu-Ning Tseng, Zuzana Vrbovska, Jiaying Wang, Yuxiao Wu, Yiwen Zhang, Ping Zhao  

Architectural Association: Byran Blakeley, Edward Bottoms, Eleanor Gawne
the Design Museum: Donna Loveday, Alexander Boyes, Gemma Curtin, Paul Farron, Robin Footitt, Adrienne Groen, Brian Reeves, Eszler Steiehoffer, Nicola Underwood, Sumitra Upham, Eleanor Watson
Beam Lighting Design: Jono Kenyon
Kingston School of Art: Jana Scholze, Anne-Marie Fisker, Jonathan Gander, 3D Workshop, Digital Media Workshop, KSA Loans Room, Photography Workshop, Printmaking Workshop

Curatorial Statement

“We creat a very rich compost for students to develop and grow from and we fight the battle with the drawings on the wall. We’re in pursuit of architecture, we discuss it boldly, we draw it as well as we can and we exhibit it. We are one of the few institutions left in the world that keep its spirit alive.”

- Alvin Boyarsky, Former Chairman of the AA(1972~90), 1983

In the centenary year of the founding of the influential Bauhaus school of architecture and design in Weimar, Germany, this exhibition examines the role and significance of London’s Architectural Association(AA), and institution which radically redefined architecural education and practice.

The AA is the oldest independent school of architecure in the UK. It was founded in London in 1847 and is now located at Bedford Square. The school became a hotbed for radical architectural ideas with students and tutors that included Nigel Coates, Peter Cook, Zaha Hadid and Rem Koolhaas. 

This exhibition focuses on objects selected from the AA Archives and explores the work of the AA school from the late 1960s to the 1980s, a period characterised by political instability, social unrest and the impact of new technologies. During this time the AA also saw its independent status threatened and state funding withdrawn. These uncertainties arguably triggered a creative and critical response and prompted a broader reconsideration of the meaning of architecture and its functions.
This collaborative project with the AA started as a contiuation of the research project ‘Re-Considering Canon’, which was presented by MA Curating Contemporary Design students at the Design Museum in 2018. We were fascinated by the idea that the Archives could be understood as a distinct canon responding to the architectural canon but, through its collection of soley students’ and tutors’ work from the AA, creating a unique compilation. 

For this project, we adopted the role of researchers and story-tellers. A close interrogation of a variety of objects in the Archives, from student portfolios to exhibition and publications, allowed us not only to acknowledge the complextity of the AA’s history but to consider alternative narratives. While discovering overlaps with the established canon, we found new approaches to confirm - but also challenge - established interpretations and internal story-telling. We discovered that the work of former futors and alumni, often highlighted in the historical canon of the AA, is less prominent in the Archives. These unexpected gaps directed our focus to people and events that receive little or no attention in the archicetural canon but which have been instrumental in expanding architectural education and practice. The project confirmed once again the value of archival work, not only for the purpose of re-writing history, but in the relevance of the historical work as repsonse to political and social issues that still resonate today.

전시 정보 링크 https://designmuseum.org/whats-on/architectural-radicals#